Sacramento, CA – State legislation authored by Assemblymember Bob Blumenfield (D – San Fernando Valley) and Assemblymember Mike Feuer (D – Los Angeles) to help local communities stop the proliferation of mobile billboards was signed into law by Governor Schwarzenegger today.

[] The bill, AB 2756, would give local communities the ability to prohibit the parking of an unhitched trailer with advertising attached to it on any public street, and impose penalties on billboard owners who violate laws governing these billboards. Not only are these mobile billboards a visual blight, they are a safety hazard for drivers who must swerve around them, and they use up valuable parking spaces.

“Mobile billboards are a cancer that has spread across the San Fernando Valley, invading every neighborhood and blighting our streets. Now, with this new law, cities will have the tools they need to get rid of this road spam in our community once and for all,” Blumenfield said.

“These signs are a distracting safety hazard for drivers, a source of blight in neighborhoods, and a drain on scarce parking spaces intended for business patrons. This new law will help communities take action against them,” said joint author Assemblymember Mike Feuer.

For years, the City of Los Angeles and other local governments have attempted to control the proliferation of mobile billboards locally, but their efforts have been hampered by litigation, and cumbersome requirements that signs prohibiting them must be posted at every entrance to the city. In Los Angeles, a city with thousands of such access points, the signage requirements are not financially or physically feasible.

The bill was strongly supported by the City of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles City Attorney’s office, as well as thousands of San Fernando Valley residents.

Post Care
“Assemblymember Blumenfield delivers thousands of postcards from residents of the San Fernando Valley to the governor urging him to sign the mobile billboard legislation.”

Colleen Beamish, Blumenfield’s office@916.319.2040
Arianna Smith, Feuer’s office @ 916.319.2042