Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce
17723 Chatsworth Street
Granada Hills, CA 91344

(818) 368-3235
(818) 366-7425 Fax
email@granadachamber.comGreat people, and very friendly with a true community spirit. Full of good ideas to help you with your local business or non-profit organization.
Old Granada Hills Residents’ Group
Granada Hills Improvement Association
Business Improvement District
(818) 360-9929
Department of Neighborhood Empowerment
Resources for Los Angeles Neighborhood Councils. Promotes public participation in government to make government more responsive to local needs by creating, nurturing, and supporting a city wide system of grass-roots, independent, and participatory neighborhood councils.
North Valley Coalition
Organization to oppose Sunshine Canyon Landfill.
Police Activity League Supporters (PALS)
PALS is a youth program supported by LAPD Devonshire Division and sponsored by local businesses and community leaders. They provide fun and enriching after school and weekend activities for at risk children and teens. PALS is focused on building character in youth and reducing crime.
Supporters Of Law Enforcement In Devonshire raises money for equipment needed by LAPD Devonshire Division, but not provided by the City of LA. Their site lists their accomplishments to date and invites contributions.
Granada Hills Woman’s Club
10666 White Oak Avenue
Granada Hills, CA 91344

(818) 363-9078
VFW Post 2323
17522 Chatsworth St
Granada Hills, CA 91344

(818) 366-7799
VFW Post 2323 is a 501(c)(19) organization, affiliated with the VFW National 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to:

  • Fostering camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts
  • Serving veterans, the military, and our communities
  • Advocating on behalf of all veterans

A map of all North Valley NC Boundaries

Granada Hills North Neighborhood Council

North Hills West Neighborhood Council

Northridge East Neighborhood Council

Northridge West Neighborhood Council

Northridge South Neighborhood Council

Mission Hills Neighborhood Council

Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council

Chatsworth Neighborhood Council

Sylmar Neighborhood Council

Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council

Neighborhood Council News Summary