There has been a significant increase of copper wire thefts targeting the city’s street lighting system in various neighborhoods, causing street lights to go dark for a period of time. If you observe a wire theft in process or see any suspicious activity around street lights, please call 9-1-1 immediately.
How to determine what is official city work on street lights and what isn’t?
- The work is valid if there a yellow Street Lighting maintenance vehicle on the street. The vehicle should have a city seal, the words “Street Lighting” on the doors and the word “Exempt” on its license plate.
- The work is valid if there is street lighting staff working on a light. They will be wearing and orange vest, hard hat and city identification.
- The work is valid if it is being performed by Bureau of Street Lighting contractors working on streetlights. The names of their companies will be identified on their vehicles.
- Anything else is suspicious and should be reported by calling 9-1-1 immediately.
Click here for an English- and Spanish-language flyer to pass out in your neighborhood.