On Tuesday of this week the updated Granada Hills Community Plan was approved in City Council’s Planning and Land Use Committee (PLUM). The approval of this plan clears the way for its final acceptance in City Council.
The Community Plan is the long range land use plan for the area that will shape the future of the community, guide future growth, protect neighborhood character, and enhance the quality of life for those who live, work and invest in the area. Having a strong and updated Community Plan will ensure that we can preserve the character and quality of life in Granada Hills. The Plan also includes goals, policies and programs to help the community achieve a shared vision for the next two decades.
Special thanks to the Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce, the Old Granada Hills Residents Group, Granada Hills North Neighborhood Council and Granada Hills South Neighborhood Council for their input and dedication to ensuring that the community plan is geared to reflect the nature of the community.
-Mitchell Englander, Councilmember Twelfth District