On October 31, 2019, the County Department of Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measures (ACWM) detected two Peach Fruit Flies (PFF), a major agricultural pest, in Granada Hills. In response, the ACWM will be implementing eradication efforts to prevent the growth and spread of the pest infestations, and protect backyard fruit, community gardens, and California’s commercial agriculture.
The eradication effort will include the use of an attractant to lure the flies to a “bait station”. Specifically, small spots of bait will be squirted onto street-side tree trunks, with approximately 600 such bait stations placed about eight feet up on trees. The flies feed on the bait and are killed by a small amount of natural pesticide in the bait. These activities will be occurring this month, and possibly extend into December, and will take place in parts of Granada Hills, Porter Ranch, and Northridge as shown in the map below.
Residents with questions about this or any exotic pest can call the California Department of Food and Agriculture Pest Hotline at 1-800-491-1899.