Today, the Old Granada Hills Residents’ Group (OGHRG) was honored during City Council.
The OGHRG held their 1st meeting July 2001 and had over 150 community members in attendance. In 2002, they incorporated as a non profit organization and became an effective grassroots organization aimed at promoting and improving the quality of life throughout Granada Hills. As a result of Valley Secession efforts, the OGHRG organized and had over 225 attendees during their debate on the Valley Secession.
Together, the OGHRG has approved of the Knollwood/ Granada Hills Community Plan, maintained the character and feel of the small-town community in Granada Hills, ensured protection of cultural monuments, worked with CD 12 and the City to protect the Deodar Cedar Trees on White Oak, and supported community’s events throughout the year, like the Granada Hills Street Fair, Disaster Preparedness Fair, the Granada Hills Holiday Parade, and more.
Thank you to Dave Beauvais, the president of the OGHRG and also the president of the Granada Hills South Neighborhood Council, the OGHRG Board members and the many volunteers for your commitment and dedication to making a difference in the Granada Hills community.